KGeN has 2 kinds of wallet:
Gamer wallet - This wallet gets created when the gamer is interacting with the game but has not connected their credentials to the KGeN ecosystem. This wallet is created on the respective chain associated with the game. This wallet is identified by the gamer credentials inside the game. The gamer’s kcash rewards get accumulated in the gamer wallet which can be withdrawn to their user wallet when the threshold is reached. There is a N:1 mapping between gamer wallet and user wallet where multiple gamer wallets can be connected to a single user wallet.
User wallet - This wallet gets created when the gamer connects to the KGeN ecosystem using KGeN login credentials. This wallet is a multi-chain wallet across EVM and non-EVM chains. All KGeN wallet applications work on the user wallet.
KGeN wallet is designed to support multiple block chains. Using chain abstraction, we simplify the gamer experience and don’t expose the complexities of multiple block chains.
Chains integrated:
Aptos smart contracts are written in move language and EVM smart contracts are written in Solidity.
Last updated