The POG Attribution
First, we ingest data from various sources, including social media platforms like Twitter, Telegram, and Discord, along with on-chain data from Polygon and Hedera, and user activity on our website. Next, a data quality layer ensures that all data has been ingested correctly. Finally, the data aggregation layer consolidates information from multiple tables, saving it across five distinct tables. This setup ensures that if any table encounters an issue, it won’t impact the others. These five tables contain additional attributes beyond those required for the calculation.
The following diagram illustrates the final layer. At this point, we have five tables in S3, each containing a set of attributes related to proof. Another data quality layer then determines which equation to execute based on the attributes that have been updated, sending notifications if any attribute fails, while ensuring that POG remains unaffected. The equation in the next section is used to calculate the user’s score. This final data quality layer is responsible for determining which data will be updated in the last S3 destination, which the backend will use to mint it onto the POG card.
Proof of Human (PoH) verifies the user’s real identity by combining OAuth authentication data with Discord or other social media profiles.
100 if KYC Verified, or game verified else number of OAuth Verified.
Number of OAuths Connected / Number of OAuths Available,
capped at a max score of 90.
Proof of Play (PoP) analyzes gameplay data, such as time spent in games, achievements unlocked, and session frequency.
POP= 0.7*((0.5*hours_spent_submit_normalized) + (0.5*game_play_freq_per_month_normalized)) + 0.3*((0.5 *hours_spent_start_normalized) + (0.5 *game_start_frequency_normalized))
submit=0.5*hourspent + 0.5*freq
start=0.5*hourspent + 0.5*freq
Proof of Skill (PoSk) evaluates a user’s performance in various games, factoring in leaderboards, tournament results, and achievement milestones.
Proof of Social (PoSc) assesses a gamer’s social interactions, engagement on Discord, and social media influence.
Proof of Commerce (PoC) aggregates wallet transaction data, tracking spending behavior and purchasing power.
Last updated