Publishers & Brands: Data Access & Rights
All the user associated data is stored as metadata in encrypted format in IPFS. Data access will be controlled by a multi-signature mechanism involving KGeN and each individual gamer.
When a user wants to share information with a third-party advertiser, like a game publisher, brand, or app, the advertiser will ask for the data. They'll create a request, such as asking for payment information. If the user agrees, their special key will unlock the data, mix in the advertiser's key, and then lock the data again. After this, only the user and the advertiser will be able to see the data. Once the user agrees, a smart contract will handle the payment, dividing it between the gamer and the platform (KGeN).
Similarly, when a third-party advertiser asks for additional information, the system decodes the data, changes it using the advertiser's security key after payment, and then a smart contract makes sure the payment is shared among the platform (KGeN) and the gamer.
Last updated